Monday, January 4, 2010

Internet and Affiliate Marketing Resources

When you consider the resources needed for Internet marketing web site promotion you have to consider the three most important and leverage-able marketing skills needed to make sure your Internet marketing business sales plan succeed.

These skills are:

Copyrighting: which includes squeeze pages, sales pages, OTO pages, ads, headlines, email, articles, blog post, video, audio, and everything else you do that uses words, graphics and pictures.

List Building: This has to do with getting people on you email list so that you can market to them repeatedly, over and over again. Your initial focus is getting peoples name and email address on your optin form but other important aspects of list building are building a relationship, the types of products you promote, and finding what your list wants to buy.

Traffic generation: it is probably the gold mine of the internet. If you can get tons and tons of traffic to a sales page that converts you can make an extraordinary amount of money and build a massive list.

These are resources that Internet and Affiliate Marketing Specialist will tell you are the most critical aspects of your marketing no mater what niche market you are marketing in.

What you need to understand is that to utilize these Internet marketing resources to promote your affiliate marketing business you do not have to be an expert in all three.

You can hire an Internet Marketing and Search Engine Specialist to create your niche web site for you. You can trade your talent with another Affiliate Marketing Expert in one or more of these areas. You can do it all yourself and test everything until you get the conversion you want.

You see, Internet and affiliate marketing resources are not just things. The most valuable resource out there to help you leverage the 3 most critical elements of your Internet and affiliate marketing business sales plan is other people.

By cooperating with others you can not only help yourself build you Internet marketing business but you can help others build their business. Each of you can increase you affiliate marketing income, generate more traffic, build your list, and help to get each others niche market better known.

That is what it means to utilize every internet marketing resource that is available to you. By using the skills of other people to help you build your Internet marketing business you also help them to build theirs.

Isn’t that what cooperative affiliate marketing is all about?

Get more marketing tips from Ezine Articles Featured Expert “Sim Garner”, at his blog. Receive articles, tips, and reviews plus a copy of “The Traffic Catching Funnel” at his website. Get Free audios from Law of Resonance experts at

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